Maltepe Üniversitesi Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi tarafından lisans öğrencilerine yönelik düzenlenen "muiscarch’17" uluslararası öğrenci kongresi 3-5 Mayıs’ta yapılacak.
Maltepe University International Student Congress (MUISC), 2014’ten bu yana Maltepe Üniversitesi’ndeki tüm fakülteler tarafından yapılıyor. Lisans öğrencilerinden oluşan organizasyon komitesince, öğretim elemanlarının danışmanlığında yürütülen kongre, atölye çalışmalarıyla destekleniyor. MUISC‘in temel hedefi, "bir akademik gelenek yaratmak ve öğrencilerin kolektif üretim konusundaki duyarlılıklarını artırmak" şeklinde özetleniyor.
Maltepe Üniversitesi Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi tarafından, 3-5 Mayıs 2017 tarihleri arasında Marma Otel'de gerçekleştirilecek olan uluslararası kongrenin dili, İngilizce.
Kongre Takvimi:
Bildiri özeti için son teslim tarihi (maksimum 400 kelime): 1 Mart 2017
Kabul edilen bildirilerin açıklanması: 15 Mart
Bildiri tam metinlerinin teslimi için son tarih (2500-3000 kelime): 20 Nisan
Kongrenin tanıtım metninde içeriğe dair şu bilgilere yer verilmiş:
Designing with(in) İstanbul
As designers, observers and thinkers we create ideas and utopias for living, analyze and question existing systems, develop curiosity and criticism towards our environment and explore inherent meanings. Urban space is a fertile ground where spatial disciplines not only merge but also intersect with lives and memories of people.
Within this point of view, muiscarch’17 invites all undergraduate students of Architecture, Interior Architecture, Nautical Design, Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Film/Media Studies to the international congress and a workshop under the theme: Designing with(in) İstanbul.
This year’s theme is a call for interdisciplinary participation on multilayered histories, qualities and parameters of urban space which are reflected either in a major or a minor scale. In that sense, İstanbul can be seen as an urban promoter with its long urban history, sociocultural diversity and continuous transformation. The focus of studies can be student projects, case studies, identification or comparisons of realized projects, manifests, utopias and dystopias, criticism on non-realized/unfinished projects. muiscarch’17 participants are not obliged to relate their papers to İstanbul. They are expected to propose a creative thinking on the impact of urbanity on space/place creating. Students are also expected to relate their ideas to the specified topics of the congress:
1- Designing Water-Land Relations borderline, tendencies, transformation, technology, climate, sustainability, efficiency
2- Water as Urban Space vista, route, transportation, experience, topography, silhouette, inside-outside, solid-void
1- Relating the Historical to the Contemporary refunction, reuse, transformation, intervention, psychological intervention, memory
2- Designing with(in) City Borders old town & new town, intersection, intervention, continuity, rupture, frontiers, limits
1- Transportation as a Unique Experience cinematic experience, third space, collective memory, route, technology, tendencies
2- Urban Parameters: Continuity, Complexity and Contradiction place, nationality, destruction, memory, history, transformation, tendencies, hybridization
Ayrıntılı bilgi için tıklayın.